Friday, August 21, 2009

UniPrint VDI Edition licensing

UniPrint VDI Edition is to be installed on a desktop running Microsoft desktop Windows, i.e., XP or Vista.

The licensing model of UniPrint VDI Edition is different from the UniPrint SbC products. The VDI Edition uses a per-server and per-concurrent-users model.

You will need a machine to act as a UniPrint License Server, which is usually a UniPrint Spool Server.

Unlike the licensing of core UniPrint SbC products, you don’t need the following information:

  • Environment: RDP only or ICA (ICA license includes RDP, so RDP can run on ICA license).
  • Platform: 32-bit support or 64-bit support (64-bit license includes 32-bit support, so 32-bit platform can run on 64-bit license).

You will need the following information to generate a license file:

  • The machine name on which UniPrint Spool Server is/will be installed.
  • The IP address of the machine above.
  • A serial number that you obtained from your supplier (a reseller, a distributor, or the vendor).
  • The number of servers.
  • The number of concurrent users.

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