Friday, August 28, 2009

UniPrint Host Edition licensing

UniPrint Host Edition enables user to print from host systems (such as Sun’s Solaris, IBM’s AS/400, Linux, etc.) to their Windows desktop machines.

UniPrint Host Edition uses a totally different licensing model from the core UniPrint SbC products or UniPrint VDI Edition. UNiPrint Host Edition uses per usage licensing, and the usage in the Host Edtition is number of pages printed.

You will need the following information to generate a UniPrint Host Edition license file:

  • The machine name on which UniPrint Host Server is be installed. (You need to install the Host Edition first prior to requesting a Host Edition license.)
  • The IP address of the machine above.
  • A serial number that you obtained from your supplier (a reseller, a distributor, or the vendor).
  • Install Code: This information is available only after you installed the software. So, you need to install the software first, and record the install code from the UniPrint management console.
  • The number of pages you are licensed to print.

As of writing, the initial value for the number of pages in a Host Edition license is 60,000 pages, and you can order additional bundles in increments of 10,000 pages.

All these values will be reset at the beginning of the calendar year. For example, let’s say you have a 60,000-page license and you used up 56,000 pages by December 31 of the year. Comes January 1 of next year, and you’ll get your full 60,000 pages back for the entire year. However, you cannot carry the remaining 4,000 pages into next year so that you can have 64,000 pages in your reserve.

You can set it up in the Host Edition management console so that you’ll receive notifications through emails when you approach within a certain percentages (e.g., 10%, 5%) of the limit of your license.

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