Friday, January 8, 2010

Remote Session Startup Programs

In a typical environment, a user connects to a central server in the server room through her desktop or laptop at her own cubicle, or even at her home. Once connected, this establishes a remote session from the user’s machine to the central server.

In Windows environment, this is usually done either through Microsoft’s Terminal Services or through Citrix’s servers (such as the Presentation Server). Certain programs are run right after establishing the remote session. These programs are stored in the registry of the central server.

Microsoft uses rdp, their proprietary protocol, for remote connection. And rdp stands for Remote Desktop Protocol.

Citrix uses their proprietary protocol ica for remote connection. And ica stands for Independent Computing Architecture.

For Microsoft Terminal Services, the registry key is
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\rdpwd\StartupPrograms

For Citrix, the registry key is
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\icawd\StartupPrograms

Wd means working directoriy (and Wds means, of course, working directories).

The StartupPrograms key is of string (REG_SZ) type. This key contains a list of programs to be run at remote session startup. The programs are separated by commas. Or the techies would like to call it a “comma-delimited list”.

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