Friday, November 27, 2009

UniPrint Plagiarizes? Copycat?

While doing research on the internet, we stumbled upon this article by Brian Madden (dated April 14, 2004). Though outdated but it still is interesting.

UniPrint and ThinPrint are head-on competitors: they offer products in a narrow market space. Apparently back then in 2004, a webpage on UniPrint reveals this text:

As a Citrix Premium Business Alliance Partner, ThinPrint offers software solutions for ideal print support under Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 and Citrix MetaFrame XP.

Obviously UniPrint plagiarizes from ThinPrint. Can UniPrint do better than being a copycat?

Hope that their software does not come from plagiarism. Otherwise, UniPrint users may be in for big trouble.

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