Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bug Report: UniPrint 7

We were informed by a UniPrint reseller that UniPrint version 7 just came out last month (March, 2010). We decided to give it a try before we decide if we should upgrade from our version 6.1.5 to it.

We installed the new UniPrint 7 onto our test server machine running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. It was completed without any problems. Then we connected to this test server through RDP. Right after we logged in, we had this “Hardware Installation” warning message right on the center of the RDP session:

This certainly did not look good at all. We clicked the “STOP Installation” button, and the same message came back right away. So it seemed that we had no other choice than clicking the “Continue Anyway” button. And that was what we did. The message box went away, but only for a short while. It came back again.

At this point, we decided to go ahead and finish our tests. We printed a simple document from notepad, choosing the printer Uniprint. Contrary to our expectation, the print job did come through with no problem from the RDP session to our local machine and printed on our HP printer fine.

We then kept clicking the “STOP Installation” button for a while; eventually it seemed to have gone away because it did not reappear.

We then logged off from the remote RDP session, and logged back in to the test server, and the same thing happened again. We tried that a few times, and sometimes we even had problem trying to log off.

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