Saturday, March 13, 2010

What’s New in UniPrint Version 7?

Despite UniPrint’s website said that UniPrint Version 7 would be available in January 2010 (and in early February changed to “contact UniPrint”), UniPrint version 7 finally came out in early March 2010. What’s new with this two-month overdue product?

Taken out from the first chapter of the admin guide, the new features of UniPrint version 7 are:

Redesigned UniPrint Management Console:
The UniPrint Management Console has been redesigned to improve efficiency and usability, making it more intuitive to use and configure UniPrint components on remote servers as well as the local server can also be managed from any server. Debugging options have been moved to the Components screen, under Properties & Settings.

Improved Licensing Scheme:
UniPrint is still licensed per application server. However, applying a different license file on each individual application server is no longer required. UniPrint now utilizes a license server component that is installed on one of the UniPrint Spool Servers and the license file is applied to this designated license server. Network administrators also have the ability to monitor and track license usage in real time.

The following features are in the UniPrint Gateway Edition only.

Support for Thin Client USB Printers:
Extending the support for thin-client devices running WindowsXPe/ Embedded Standard, UniPrint now also supports USB printers attached to thin-client devices running Windows CE/Embedded CE.

Improved Printer Properties Support:
For printer properties like paper tray, forms and resolution, the actual printer property value is now imported from the native printer driver.

Support for Secure Printing:
UniPrint now supports HP printers with secure printing capability where print jobs are not printed until users enter their PIN codes at the physical printer. Currently, the following printer drivers are supported: HP Universal Printing PCL 5, HP Universal Printing PCL 5 (v 5.0), HP Universal Printing PCL 6, HP Universal Printing PCL 6 (v 5.0), HP Universal Printing PS and HP Universal Printing PS (v 5.0).

Support for Advanced Printer Functions:
Network administrators can now create unique printer profiles with different combinations of advanced printer functionalities (such as stapling, hole punching, binding, etc.) enabled according to users’ specific printer requirements.

New Functionalities to Further Reduce Bandwidth Consumption:
Two new functionalities have been added to further reduce print job size, improve overall printing speed and reduce bandwidth consumption.

Font Replication - Once a day at a prescheduled time UniPrint queries all terminal servers for newly installed fonts and replicates them to all print servers. This feature creates a smaller print job and improves the overall printing speed and print job quality.

Font Caching – When full font embedding is selected, UniPrint strips the font objects from the compressed PDF print job before sending it to the Print Server. At the Print Server, UniPrint then rebuilds the font objects before printing. This reduces the print job size for subsequent print jobs with the same font objects.

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1 comment:

  1. Where can I get the Admin Guide for UniPrint 7?
