Friday, September 11, 2009

Startup Programs

Ever wonder how to do it if you want a certain program to run automatically whenever a machine boots up, or whenever a user logs in? The trick is in the registry.

When windows starts up, it will run all programs it finds in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

Let’s do a simple experiment. Open up the registry by typing regedit into the open box (Start -> Run). Navigate to the above key. Click on the Run key on the left pane, then right-click on empty space on the right pane. Choose New -> String Value, and give it a name like test.

A new key named test has been created, but it has no value. Double-click on this newly created key test, and enter notepad.exe in the Value data box. Click OK, and close regedit.

Restart windows. After windows is restarted, login to any account, and you’ll see notepad opens up already.

If you want a particular program (or group of programs) to be run every time whenever a particular user logs in, you can put a shortcut to this program (or these programs) in this folder C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\. Replace [username] with the actual username. You can navigate to this folder through windows explorer.

This is useful if, for example, a user in the accounting department always runs the accounting program acct.exe whenever he/she logs in. You can put in this user’s Startup folder a shortcut pointing to this acct.exe. Make sure that this user has all privileges, permissions, credentials to run this program.

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